Archive for September 2010

While in San Francisco…

September 5, 2010

I need to think of a catchy title for this sporadic series of posts designed to induce readers to visit our fair city.  In case you were scared by that last post, take heart in this one.  I know there is a segment of our readership who would love to come to the historic Castro Theater in a couple of weeks for this marathon day of classic movies.  My understanding is that both teams will be welcome.  I’m not sure if they will be separated in the theater:

So many boys, so little time — especially when you’ll have to die someday, but the boys won’t! Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) became a vampire at age 17, while rival heartthrob Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) runs with a pack of immortal werewolves. Popular, willowy transfer student Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) swoons for both, but good-girl Bella is so busy being attacked by evil vampires that she can’t decide which one to start a nontraditional family with. The gloves and shirts come off as Team Edward and Team Jacob collide in the first three film adaptations of Stephanie Meyer’s bestselling fantasy-romance series, screened back to back.

Directed by Catherine Hardwicke | 2008 | 122 min | ‘Scope

Directed by Chris Weitz | 2009 | 130 min | ‘Scope

Directed by David Slade | 2010 | 124 min | ‘Scope

Travel Advisory- SF

September 2, 2010

Not all “silver men” robots are your friends.  Be aware.  From SFGate:

Make ’em laugh: Bad day for Ronnie the Silver Man, who ended his performance down at Fisherman’s Wharf the other day in cuffs.

Ronnie is one of about five Silver Men who pantomime for tourists’ tips along the waterfront. Ronnie, however, also has anger management issues.

“If the tips don’t come in, he gets abusive – usually with a woman he picks out of the crowd,” police Sgt. Ed Garcia told us.

And that’s just what happened the other day – only this time, not only did Ronnie start yelling profanities, but he allegedly struck one woman in the eye and threw an ice cream cone at another tourist who came to her aid.

Then Ronnie took off running, only to be chased down by other members of the crowd. Police arrived and booked him on suspicion of two counts of battery.

“It’s not the first time,” Garcia said. “Even the other Silver Men don’t want anything to do with him.”

You have been warned