Best song ever

How is it that I’m just learning about this song this week?  I had a vague sense of who this doctor was…  but just now learned of her theme song.  It was during the check up of nervous 2 yr old.  As I started to auscultate her heart, the excited 4 yr old sibling starting hopping and singing…

Thanks to the conditioning of this show, I’m expecting no more nervous patients in a few more months.  Do they have a song about getting your booster shots?

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4 Comments on “Best song ever”

  1. Brad Says:

    Sammy loves doc mcStuffs

  2. Lori Says:

    “Time for your booster!
    Time for your booster!
    I’m going to stab your arm
    with a needle….”

  3. joelb Says:

    you’re welcome.

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